Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sign the slip

Make sure when you are closing out your tab that you completely fill out the credit card slip. That means you add a tip (if you are not tipping cash), you put the CORRECT total and then sign your name at the bottom. Not a big deal if the math is wrong, not a big deal if it took you 3 times to figure it out, and not a big deal if your signature looks like a 2 year old got to it. The big deal is leaving the tip and total blank. Leaving that blank should be fair game for me to put whatever I want there. It's like handing me a blank check. Not that I have ever done that before (I'm sure there are those dishonest folks out there). But there should be some kind of law that if someone stiffs us we should be entitled to a tip that is 20% of the bill….Just sayin'!

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