Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ordering through one bartender

This is a very important lesson. When you go to the bar, when it is your turn to order you should always order through one bartender. You don't need to send two people all over the bar to fetch things for you as if this is a contest to see who can get your drinks faster. Not only did you waste one person's time, you also made it so another person is going to complain "what's taking so long" (which could be you one time), and you also wasted alcohol which is abuse (you and I both know that).

Also, because you wasted that beer, don't turn around and think that it's free just because its extra…..honestly I should make you pay for it b/c you had ordered twice!


You're at the bar, you ordered a bud light. The bartender leaves to go get that for you when all of the sudden another bartender comes and ask you what you need. You say "No thanks I'm being helped already." PROBLEM SOLVED!
So save someone a trip, help other people get served faster, order through one bartender and DON'T WASTE!

Editors' note: These are tips to show people that have never been in the service industry why they are complaining about a drinking taking too long, or they have been waiting for a while to be acknowledged. Please understand that this is not a bitch fest for me….it's simply a list of things that you can change so you never have to be the person waiting to get a drink and you will never have to complain again!

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