Thursday, April 9, 2009

Credit Cards

Today's lesson is on credit cards. When you go out to the bar there are two forms of payment: 1. Cash 2. Credit cards. When you use a credit card you should only use it once or you should start a tab. Not every bar you go to is up to par with top notch credit card systems to where it is going to take 2.5 seconds to run your card every time. Not only that it takes a lot more then you think to run a credit card: we have to swipe, wait for it to print, wait for you to sign, make sure everything is right (for those that cannot add and who are not using someone else's credit card) and then close it out (which is usually a big pile at the end of the night that makes us stay longer). So here's the deal, since we know that you are the chronic credit card c*nt. We will make you wait longer. I already know that Joe over here has a tab or he is going to pay cash, and that you are the idiot that makes me spend an extra 5 minutes on your 6 dollar jack and coke. So don't complain why your drink or service is taking so long. Think about what you could be doing to slow up the process.

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